News 195777

News record: [195777] Morphbank Version 2.7

Morphbank 2.7 was released today! The new release has many improvements and cool modifications to the version 2.5 system:
1. the new MyManager [beta] for managing all of your records
2. create characters
3. create operational taxonomic units (OTUs) out of collections of taxa and specimens
4. improved submit and edit
5. mass change a date to publish
6. and many, many more! Over the next few days please let us know if you find anything 'strange' happening. We are checking the software carefully to make sure the release went well. Also the manual is being revised and may not reflect the present release for the next week. In the interm please call the Morphbank office if you need help or a tour of the new system: 850-644-6366.
(all past news)