About - Manual


General Rules:

This Edit manual page contains general instructions for how to edit most Morphbank Objects including:

Knowing where to edit:

Icons commonly found in Edit:
Browse: To modify the record you must select from already existing records
Add a record: You can add a new record by clicking on the plus

Edit using My Manager:

Every object uploaded by a given user can be edited from the appropriate tab in My Manager. Once in My Manager, a user selects the tab (Images, Views, Localities, Specimens, Publications, Collections, Annotations) of choice and then searches (and/or Limits) to find the object/s to be edited. Then, use the icon to open the Edit screen in a new tab.

At the moment, you may edit your Locality, Specimen, View, Image, Publication, Annotation, & Collection records in several different ways,

  1. via the icon found at header menu > browse > choose tab
  2. via the icon found at header menu > tools > my manager > choose tab
  3. or via the icon in any single show.

For example: if you know a specific location record is incorrect, go to Browse > Locality, search for that record and click the edit icon. This icon will take you to the Edit Locality screen (in a new tab) where you can modify information about that specific location record.

Also you can add or edit External Links from this window. Once you have finished changing the form click the button. A small window will popup that requires a response. This window tells you how many records will be affected by the change you are about to make. Not to worry, you will not be able to change records for which you do not have permission. Selecting yes will send the user back to the Edit Locality screen where a confirmation message will explain that the update has been made. Selecting no or cancel will send you back to the Edit Locality screen without making any changes.

Edit Hints and Common Questions:

Set a standard image for a Specimen or View:
From the Specimen Edit and View Edit you can set a standard image. The standard image is the image that best represents your concept of the View or Specimen. The default image is the first image you entered and if another image is desired as the standard display image, click on the and choose it from the list of images.

Delete: Adding and Editing Links:

Links can be added to Specimen, Location and Image records. External Links and External Identifiers can be added to any object contributed. Click on the blue text Add Links to open this feature. These links will appear on the single show for that record. Links also can be added to other objects in Morphbank!

Edit Images:

From Edit Image users can:

Edit Taxon Names

Edit Annotations

Edit Collections
